Kentucky Right to Life – Call to Action
Your Legislators need to hear from you on Pro-Life Bills
Dear ProLife Friends and Advocates,
We find ourselves at a critical juncture in the 2024 Legislative Session, having crossed the halfway point. Now is the time for action, and your voice is needed more than ever!
Kentucky Right to Life has been encouraged working with Legislators who have diligently crafted life-affirming legislation that demonstrates compassionate and comprehensive solutions to improve the health and wellbeing of Kentucky’s women, preborn and newborn children.
But now, we implore you to please CALL FRANKFORT 1-800-372-7181 today and reach-out to your State Representative and Senator, urging them to CO-SPONSOR and VOTE in YES for the following bills:
In the Kentucky Senate: Vote - "YES" in the Senate
In the Kentucky House: Vote - "YES" in the House
• House Bill 10 (Momnibus) Sponsored by Rep. Moser (R) & Rep. Tate (R): Currently ready to be voted on by the full House. HB 10 aims to improve maternal mortality rates and enhance mother and infant health outcomes.
We support the following House Bills. They need to be assigned and voted on in Committee and moved to the House for a YES vote!
House Bills 700 and 467, truly reflect Kentucky Right to Life’s 2024
Banner Love Them Both – With Every Woman for Every Child!
Introduced by Rep. Nemes and Rep. Tate, respectively, they aim to provide
compassionate and comprehensive support for individuals facing non-viable
pregnancies, fetal abnormalities, and those affected by sexual violence.
These bills recognize the value of every life, regardless of the circumstances of conception, and stand firm against pressures from abortion advocates. They represent a significant effort by the KY ProLife Caucus to uphold life-affirming principles and support vulnerable women and preborn children in Kentucky.
• House Bill 700 (Love Them Both Act I)
Support for Victims of Sexual Assault and their children.
Sponsored by Rep. Nemes (R) and Rep. Tate (R): Currently, this bill needs to be assigned and voted on in Committee. HB 700 prioritizes care and support for victims of sexual assault by mandating access to specialized Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANE nurses) for evaluation and assistance. The bill emphasizes respectful evaluation and appropriate referrals for counseling. It also emphasizes reporting to law enforcement to ensure justice for survivors. Additionally, the bill provides measures for healthcare support for Kentucky women who may become pregnant as a result of assault, ensuring comprehensive support, including adoption assistance and educational resources for the child.
• House Bill 467 (Love Them Both Act II) Perinatal Palliative Care
Sponsored by Rep. Tate (R) and Rep. Moser (R):
Needs to be heard in the Health & Services Committee. HB 467 requires all hospitals offering obstetric services and alternative birthing centers to provide or make referrals for perinatal palliative care. This care offers alternatives for pregnant women, birth fathers, and families faced with nonviable pregnancies or infants whose diagnoses suggest a brief life after birth. Perinatal Palliative care accompanies pregnant women on their journey through pregnancy, birth, and fetal/infant care, providing essential medical, emotional, and spiritual support, honoring both the babies and their family members.
• House Bill 346 (Baby Olivia Act)
Sponsored by Rep. Tate (R) and Rep. Calloway (R) Currently needs to be heard in the Health & Services Committee. HB 346 augments current sex education in Kentucky Schools with human development education.
• House Bill 243 (Child Support during pregnancy)
Sponsored by Rep. Neighbors (R) & Rep. Dietz (R): Supports pregnant mothers allowing for child support to be filed for anytime after conception.
• House Bill 715
Sponsored by Rep. Dietz (R) & Rep. Meade (R)
Expands the Kentucky National Guard Adoption Assistance Program to include former members of the Kentucky National Guard.
We also OPPOSE BILLS that threaten the sanctity of life: Please call your Representatives and Senate to VOTE - NO on…
• House Bill 711
Sponsors- Rep. Fleming (R), Rep. Gooch (R), Rep. Timoney (R): Expands exemptions for abortion, potentially legalizing the intentional termination of a human life.
• House Bill 757
Sponsored by Rep. D Grossberg (D): Refers to assisted reproductive technology (IVF) and undermines the status of human embryos declaring that a fertilized egg or human embryo outside the uterus is NOT considered an unborn child, or human being.