
Our Chapter Network

Chapter Locations
Franklin Right to Life
Madison County Right to Life
Meade-Breck Right to Life
Northeast Kentucky Right to Life
Right to Life of Central Kentucky
Right to Life of Christian County
Right to Life of Kentucky Heartland
Right to Life of Owensboro
Phone: (270) 685-4922
Email: [email protected]
West Kentucky Right to Life

Chapter FAQs

Start a Chapter?

What is a Pro-life Chapter?
A Chapter is a local pro-life group affiliated with Kentucky Right to Life. A chapter keeps pro-lifers educated on right to life issues on a local level. The unborn babies need you, and so do women, the ill, and the elderly. Your community needs to see the pro-life movement in action and as a resource in your area. Being a chapter also brings you together with the pro-life movement on both a state and national level, giving you access to valuable and timely information. A chapter is composed of people like you, those who have a desire to defend Life!
What does a Chapter do?
A chapter is specifically organized within a community for the purpose of educating the general public about the pro-life vision, advancing pro-life legislation and helping to elect pro-life men/women to public office.
How can you help?
Kentucky Right to Life is in the process of spreading over the state and we need your help! If you are a concerned pro-lifer and would like to make a difference in your community, please provide us with your contact information to receive future emails/mailings. We need your talents and skills to help defend LIFE. Will you help us?
Life deserves our support
We ask for support and active participation of every citizen who agrees that each human life has inherent dignity and deserves a unified pro-life front as an active KRLA chapter. The state flag says it best, United We Stand, Divided We Fall.
We Have Kentucky Right To Life Chapters Around The State
Click Here To Find The Chapter Near You
Get Involved
161 St. Matthews Ave., Ste. 2, Louisville, KY 40207
[email protected]