Join Us Every Wednesday for “Let’s Chat Woman to Woman—You are Beautiful”

Wednesdays for women with ada wucher and greg williams.
Start time 2025-03-08 22:55
Finished Time 2025-03-08 22:55
I am excited to share our new “Woman to Woman’ weekly radio show and podcast featured on Love & Lordship with Greg Williams.
Please join us every Wednesday at 11:00 AM on WJMM 99.1 FM Central Kentucky Christian Radio. Greg and I are honored to co-host “Let’s Chat Woman to Woman—You are Beautiful” as we explore together critical issues impacting our daily lives and inspire the voice of women to engage on matters surrounding faith, the well-being of women, the dignity of human life, and more. Blessings; see you on Wednesday. -Addia Wuchner