We congratulate our Right to Life Endorsed candidates and all of Tuesday night’s Primary election winners!

We congratulate our Right to Life Endorsed candidates and all of Tuesday night’s Primary election winners!
Kentucky Right to Life endorsed candidates for State Representative.

Dear ProLife Friends,

Today, because of you, we stand victorious in our unwavering support for life. You turned out to vote, and your voice has been heard! Kentuckians have chosen who they believe best represents their values in a Washington and Frankfort.

We congratulate our Right to Life Endorsed candidates and all of Tuesday night’s Primary election winners!

With bold and principled ProLife leaders, we will continue paving the way protecting preborn Kentuckians, upholding the sanctity of life from conception to natural death, and strive to champion the values of ProLife, ProWoman, and ProFamily principles.

We remain steadfast in our commitment to keep all Kentucky abortion facilities closed, ensuring that the sanctity of life is upheld.

To all the dedicated ProLife voters of Kentucky, your resounding voice has spoken loud and clear—your commitment and passion have made a difference!

Together, we celebrate this significant win and reaffirm that every life is precious and deserving of protection. As we express our heartfelt appreciation for your unwavering support, we eagerly look forward to November, continuing our journey towards a future that honors the inherent dignity of all humanity.

Congratulations to all who have contributed to this momentous victory—your impact is profound, and your dedication shines brightly as a beacon of hope and change.

Love Them Both,


Addia K Wuchner

Executive Director, KY Right to Life