Election 2024: The Year of the War on Women and Their Children

Election 2024: The Year of the War on Women and Their Children

True feminism has been blinded by secularism. We live in a society so deeply steeped in and deformed by secular ideologies that many of us barely recognize their influence, let alone the subtle ways they undermine the true essence of womanhood. The feminist movement that once championed women’s dignity and power has, in recent years, been swallowed by a culture that dismisses the beauty and sanctity of life itself, leaving women and their children vulnerable in unprecedented ways.


In this “War on Women,” we see a calculated push to redefine the very nature of femininity and motherhood. Society has pressed women to abandon their intrinsic gifts—sensitivity, dignity, and the capacity for self-sacrifice—in favor of a concept of success that dismisses or distorts these attributes. This message has convinced many that femininity is a weakness rather than a strength and that bearing life is an inconvenience rather than a sacred privilege.


But women have always had a unique strength. Even from the beginning, in the Garden of Eden, the serpent targeted Eve—not because she was weak, but because her sensitivity and empathy were misunderstood. This inherent quality, intended for the flourishing of life and relationship, has been distorted to make women question their own nature.


And now, in this crucial election year, the stakes could not be higher as pro-abortion advocates are pushing aggressive ballot initiatives in ten states, putting the question of life and its sanctity up to popular vote. The initiatives in states like Arizona, Colorado, Missouri, Florida, and others aim to cement abortion as a constitutional right, stripping away protections for the unborn and reinforcing the idea that convenience outweighs life.


As states and municipalities pour hundreds of millions of dollars into campaigns promoting abortion as a fundamental right, for years women have been sold the lie that this is liberation.


But real freedom does not come at the cost of the innocent. True feminism recognizes the inherent dignity in both mother and child, affirming that the unique ability to nurture life is a privilege, not a liability. In contrast, today’s secular-driven narrative pushes women to reject or even attack their own gift of life-bearing.


Moreover, the distortion doesn’t end with abortion. In our current social climate, the very definition of womanhood is under siege. Men now compete in women’s sports and, increasingly, are redefining female spaces and roles. This is a tragic result of a culture unable to celebrate what is beautifully and uniquely feminine. Where is the acknowledgment that women have distinctive gifts and callings? Where is the respect for the powerful role women play as mothers, nurturers, and life-givers? A society that fails to honor these aspects of womanhood is a society that ultimately dishonors women.

In this election year, the “War on Women and Their Children” and the war on “the next generation” comes to a head.


Millions of dollars are being funneled into campaigns and ballot initiatives to normalize and defend the culture of death over life. These efforts seek to diminish the value of each human life and erode the heart of what it means to be a woman.

This is not progress; it is regression masquerading as freedom. True progress honors the dignity of women, respects the sanctity of life, and upholds the unique contributions of both.


The stakes in November 2024 are higher than ever. Will we vote to protect life, or will we continue down a path that dehumanizes and divides? This is not merely a political battle; it is a fight for the very soul of our society, the future of womanhood, and future generations.


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